Monday, November 30

Twinkle Lights.....

Thanksgiving was awesome. Mom, bro', husband and daughter gathered around a table full of food. It was all wonderful. It was also a big reminder of how blessed we all are. Truly a day of t-h-a-n-k-s.

The drive home from church Saturday night went from chatting about the service to 'hey, let's stop and get a Christmas tree!' as we drove past the local home improvement store. We had no plans to do the Christmas decorating this weekend, but boy how plans change! This is our first Christmas in this house and my husband really wanted to do a real Christmas tree versus the artificial we've done for years now. We have a vaulted ceiling in the main living area, so a large tree was necessary. We lugged our big 9 1/2 foot tree into the house and got it placed into the tree stand. It took us several attempts to get it visually straight up and down because the tree trunk was not perfectly straight. I decided to bring the artificial tree out as well and set it up in the foyer, so for the first time I have two trees decorated in the house. It was ALOT of work and required a quick trip to the drug store to buy a couple of extra strands of lights. We had to use every last ornament we own to cover two of them, but the trees really do look awesome. This house is quite a bit smaller than others we've lived in so the lights from the trees illuminate every corner. We glow, but what a gorgeous glow.

1 comment:

  1. I need to come see this.... :) I still need to photograph your nutcrackers, too!!! I bet it is beautiful!
