Tuesday, November 3

My nutcracker suite.....

While running errands yesterday I stopped by Homegoods, which is one of my favorite little home furnishing stores. It's a little bit of a trek for me to get to it so I don't go often, but when I do, I spend a good hour or two just meandering amongst all the goodies....

Well imagine my delight yesterday when I walked in and it was wall-to-wall Christmas stuff... just everything! I must of looked like a guy walking into Home Depot on a Saturday--all big-eyed and fantasizing about all the possibilities. Santas, dishes and sparkly stuff as far as my eye could see. Then, I saw it. My weakness. Christmas Nutcrackers. My Nutcracker collection right now stands around 52 and here was a whole display, top to bottom just filled and not a one do I have. There had to have been 250 of them--big and small, traditional and not-so, cheap and expensive--all standing at attention staring at me. I think I truly went wobbly in the knees a little bit! lol....

I only bought one nutcracker and only because he was already clearanced down to six bucks. He was the last one left and I think he needed a home. Ok, that's my justification. He's a pilgrim nutcracker holding a pumpkin. I don't have one like him because all of my guys are Christmas related. But, how is it that Thanksgiving stuff is already on clearance? I guess I missed the window for shopping for that holiday, which I'm sure was back in August. Anyway--I welcome him to my collection.

But I know before the Christmas season is over, I will visit them again and probably won't be so strong. Maybe Santa needs to pay that store a little visit!!!! ahem...


  1. I bet he is a cutie patootie! I know he'll look great with your other nutcrackers. Maybe I should come photograph them... HMMMMMM.....

  2. Oh, you should!!!! I would be honored!

  3. Let me know when you put them out and we'll work on that "Nutcracker Photo Shoot"... ha!! :)
