Tuesday, November 10


My daughter trotted downstairs last night and wanted to know if I wanted to play Scrabble. SCRABBLE!? She knows my weakness. I love board games and Scrabble is my favorite. Her enthusiasm faded fast though the first time I was able to use my 'Z' tile--a 10 pointer--on a triple word score spot. That 4 letter word, zone, got me 39 points and one pouty girl. She ended up beating me though because I had a 'Q' left over at the end of the game with a couple of other letters and had 15 pts subtracted from my total. Maybe tonight, she and I can play Life, another one of our favorites.

the evil Q...

1 comment:

  1. I really wish I loved board games... but we just never played them much when I was growing up. Glad you had fun and I must chuckle at her "poutiness".... I never do that... never. LOL
