Monday, November 16

Four Corners.....

Joel Burke is a business friend of mine. He is not only a great programmer at KYGO radio in Denver, Colorado, but he also a great motivational speaker. He recently released his book "Inspire! Inspiration for Life and Life at Work". On his blog recently he wrote about the Four Corners of a Balanced Life. I thought it was just perfect and I want to share....

By Joel Burke

Doesn’t it seem the older we get, the more complicated life gets? When we are younger, we bought the fairytale that if we only get the new house, the new job and the new car, that our lives will be better. We would be walking down easy street and the struggles from our youth would be a distant memory. Well, go figure! We bought into that fairytale and now want to know about the return policy!
The fairytale can’t be returned, but we can take some corrective steps in putting more balance back in our lives no matter how complicated.

This is by far the most important. Without a commitment and relationship with GOD, We will always have a void. We will all constantly be on a search mission for the next big thing to fill that hole. It will for a short time, but the new car smell will wear off and what will be left is emptier than a gas tank. Instead, we should be on a rescue mission that only GOD can provide. Moviemaker, Woody Allen, who is an atheist has said, “I can’t really come up with a good argument to choose life over death, except that I’m too scared…The trains all go to the same place. They all go to the dump.”


All of us who have a competitive spirit and are constantly trying to be our best, contentment can easily be forgotten about and in some ways we can easily think that it is a weakness. We all must take time to enjoy and cherish those moments of contentment. My wife and I were driving out of Estes Park, Colorado on a Sunday morning after a snowfall. It was a picture that only God could have painted. I soaked up every second of it. I have to admit that 10 years ago, I probably wouldn’t even given it a second glance.


Don’t fight every battle! We all must decide which ones that are worth fighting for and which ones don’t really matter. This doesn’t mean compromising what you believe. It’s about being more cooperative along the way on the non-essentials in life. That can sure lower the stress level and cause us to smile more.


Forgive yourself and be the first to say, “I’m sorry” to others! When we make a mistake, ask God and others for forgiveness. This will keep us from living a life of guilt over the past and carrying around a mountain of regret through life. That’s a heavy load that sure will cause all of us to collapse.

The complexity of the simplicity! We all have made our lives more complicated and complex than are necessary. However, it truly is very simple. When we all put and give some attention to all four corners, we will be able to stay the course and stay strong even when trouble strikes!

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