Monday, October 26

The Spider House....

I started decorating for Halloween a couple of weeks ago. This is our first round of holidays in this house, so the task is to figure out how your gonna decorate it--with what you have or new stuff. Most of our existing stuff works on this house. I love bringing in the haybales with scarecrows and pumpkins. They will stay up all the way through Thanksgiving. The pumpkins that don't become jack-0-lanterns over the next week, will stay as their companions. The newest addition to this house were the spiders. I bought these 4 five-foot spiders to hang on the outside of the house. We now live in what is known as....the spider house.

The mums have just popped over the past couple of days. I bought them with only buds and no opened flowers. Now they are all in bloom. They were worth the wait. On the inside I have a black candle house surrounded by a ghoulish cemetary with creepy characters milling about. My favorite decoration for Halloween though has to be my merry band of handpainted ghosts. My MIL gave them to me, the first one all painted by her, the other five still bisque that I got to paint. They were one of my first ceramic painting projects. They've been in 3 different houses now, numerous moves and are not as quite as ghostly white as they used to be, but I love, love, love unwrapping them every year.

While I write this I am baking Pumpkin Cookies to sandwich with Maple Cream to give to a friend who is having a birthday tomorrow. Gotta run before they become roasted pumpkin cookies!

1 comment:

  1. I had to laugh that you put spiders on your house when you killed the REAL thing the other day. hee hee :) Your decorations look so cute!
