Monday, October 12

My little piggy stayed home......

My husband spent most of Friday with a massive headache that we attributed to the seasons' changing. But those headaches were joined by achy joints by the afternoon. By nighttime, he had a 102 degree fever and the chills. First thing Saturday morning he went to the doctor and found out he had the H1N1 virus. Yep, Swine flu.

For the whole weekend, he lived on the couch wearing a lovely medical mask, drinking lots of water and not touching anything if I could help it. I had my Costco-size tub of disinfecting wipes out and ready to wipe down anything he glanced at. Lucky for him, he had lots of hockey and football games on to watch. His fever finally broke yesterday morning and he's feeling much better today, but he still has his mask on even while working in his office. He has a horrid cough and terrible congestion, but says he is feeling muuuuuch better. Cassie and I are both feeling good and the doctor says he is contagious for 24 hours after the fever breaks, so as long as she and I are still feeling ok today and tomorrow, I guess we will escape it for now.

It is a very contagious strain of flu and is spread by human carriers, so even going to Wal-mart to do shopping poses the risk. Even Saturday night at church during the 'turn to your neighbor and say Hi' segment of church, I hesitated when the lady next too me held her hand out to shake mine. Is it wrong that my first thought was "ewwwwww"? I shook her hand anyway....and then made sure I gobbed on the anti-bacterial later when I got in my car. I've heard some churches are doing 'fist-bumps' now instead of the handshake. I'm a little surprised that our pastors have not suggested not shaking hands for right now. All doctors do suggest the way to avoid the flu, this and any version of it, is to wash your hands frequently. How easy of a solution is that??? One we need to be reminded of apparently, so......Wash your hands!!!!!
Well, if we gotta wear 'em, might as well get creative, right?! These masks are awesome!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that the Swine Flu found your home. Sure hope it stops with the husband and he continues to recover.
