Sunday, September 20


We have houses being built all around us right now and will for the next year probably. During the week it is a constant buzz, thump, drill, hammer, slam, beep, ker-chunk of construction noises....all day long. This is x3 right now as houses are being built on both sides of us and right across the street. By the end of the day and the end of the week I am craving quiet sooooo badly. This evening before dinner, I went outside and sat at the table on the screened porch waiting for the family to join. It took me 2 seconds to recognize the something I had been missing....hearing nothing. No construction noises, no neighbors chatting, no dogs barking, no cars driving by. I should say there was one sound. Crickets. As the sun starts to go down in our backyard, the chorus of crickets begins and the darker it gets, the louder they get. There must be a dozen different ones out there because of the variety of 'chirps' going on. I sat there tonight in absolute silence, closed my eyes and just listened. God wrote the most beautiful symphony with the making of His creatures. It's too bad we don't get the chance to hear these wonderful songs as much because of all the noise we surround ourselves from day to day. It's a pity too, that we don't carve out the time to go somewhere purposefully devoid of man's noise to enjoy, in my humble opinion, the perfect sounds of silence.

Dusk from my backyard...better known as
cricket time!

1 comment:

  1. I agree totally! I am hearing the crickets outside of my window right now and it is so peaceful. I hope your "banging" gets done soon. That can be quite annoying. lol
