Wednesday, September 16

Has rude become acceptable?

With all the hub-bub this week with Kayne vs. Taylor, Rep. Wilson vs. Pres. Obama, Serena vs the line-judge, there has been a lot written about rudeness and civility, or lack thereof, in our world. I thought this was so well written, whether you agree with his theories or not. Thanks to Robert Lawrence, President & CEO of Pinnacle Media Worldwide for penning it.

Has RUDE Become Acceptable?
By Robert Lawrence, President/CEO

"What do we do when someone like Kanye West creates such a stir like he did Sunday at the MTV Video Music Awards? Do we rush to judgment and ridicule the outburst and disrespectful display, or do we reach down into the souls of our own humanity and search for a deeper meaning and cause?

Is it really about what West did? Yes, he humiliated a young woman of obvious character and strength. Yes, it was reprehensible. Indeed, it was disgraceful but it doesn’t seem to all be about what he did as much as why? Was anyone else shocked recently, to see Miley Cyrus “pole dancing” on stage, as well? I know she is trying to shed the Hannah Montana image but pole dancing? That’s my 11 year old daughter’s hero. What about the Serena Williams outburst at a line judge this weekend? Has being rude and disrespectful to others, in order to get your way or make some sort of statement, become acceptable and normal?

Are we all not responsible in some way, for what took place on stage? Young people seem to talk to parents and adults in general, with such disdain and disrespect. Ever stand in a crowd, or walk past a group of teens or young adults only to be splattered with an array of foul language; oblivious to the adults and young children around them?

Who’s issue is this really? My fear is that Kanye West represents where the values of our youth have gone! We as parents bring home the R rated movies, let them buy video games with T or M ratings, let them talk to people they don’t know on the Internet, and have nothing to say when they sit in front of the TV watching endless episodes of South Park and Family Guy.

Please don’t misunderstand me, Kanye West’s behavior was despicable and Taylor Swift and Beyonce both responded with incredible dignity. My only concern is that many have rushed to judge West; calling him racist and myriad of other names.

The Bible says, “Judge not lest you be judged” and “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Society certainly has some issues that need to be addressed; exhibited by not only Kanye West but by the values of young people in general. Let’s work on removing the stone from our own eye before worrying so much about the pebble in another’s. I’m just saying!"

1 comment:

  1. Wow... very well put!!! I didn't see all that happened with the MTV stuff... from what I have seen/read it was a bit absurd. Great posting....
