Monday, November 3

The day after....

(Paraphrased from Christian author Margaret Feinbergs blog....but so, so, so true.)

' "Are You a November 4th or a November 5th American?

As the date grows closer, I am finding the tone of the election continues to turn darker and more unsavory. One of the biggest issues with politicians turning nasty (on both sides) is that it gives permission to everyone else to do the same--our neighbors, our co-workers, our fellow church members. It brings out the worst in all of us.

Yes, the election is growing closer, but I can't help but ask the question:

Are you a November 4th or a November 5th American?

Are you more concerned with who wins on November 4th or how you can be a part of rebuilding and healing our nation on November 5th and the years to come?

I'm all for voting, please don't get me wrong, but it's going to take all of us--together--to turn our nation around." '

How true. This election year has worn me out. I am sooooo tired of hearing the nastiness and name-calling---I am just exhausted by it all! But let's try to remember that whether your candidate(s) wins or not---you are an American first. And it is your responsibility--as an American--to then support those people that were voted in on voting day! We are lucky to have the democratic system that we have. To be able to vote for who we want--freely. But afterward--we need to equally show some grace and dignity and acceptance for those who won and act like the great nation that we are! I hope we do......


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