Monday, August 24

"Get your tentacle out of my face!"

This is one of the funny lines from the movie District 9. I went to see it yesterday and it was really, really good. There were a couple of spots where it’s rather brutal, but as the movie rolled on, I so totally got sucked in. I’ll never be able to eat prawns again, that’s for sure. It is rated R, so not a kid movie, but if you are a sci-fi geek and wanna sneak off to the movies on your own—you should see this one. Peter Jackson is a master….

….and on a similar subject—what is it that makes movie popcorn so good? I don’t add butter to it or extra anything, but it’s just darn good. And it’s not like it is popped fresh right that moment. I’m sure you’ve seen them drag those monster bags of popcorn out of the back room and re-fill the bins…..maybe it’s that storage time—maybe it’s the ‘curing’. Mine was really, really tasty yesterday.

Best thing I ever did was give my daughter a crash course in making smoothies. I wanted to give her a healthy, quick breakfast idea that she could make on her own and she makes them almost every day now. I’m very proud of how creative she is on flavor combinations. She adds to my weekly grocery list the fruits and yogurt flavors she wants to ‘smoothie’. Click here for a link to some smoothie recipes I just ran across.

I read a great quote today: “Being negative drains us, while being positive energizes us”. I totally agree with this. Have you noticed when you have one of those negative days (we all have them), things just get more negative as the day rolls on and by the end of the day, you are just worn out! It’s like that old saying: “it takes more muscles to frown than to smile”….negativity uses a lot more energy that being positive does, for sure!

I hope you have a wonderful, positive Monday!

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