Friday, August 21

Doors closed...what next? Greatness!

So I had a couple of really big doors, that have been slightly cracked open the past few years, suddenly get shut in my face this past week. Initially, I was surprised, but clearly, it wasn’t meant to happen. The ‘old me’ would have spent the past week stomping her feet, pouting and trying to fix something that she knew she has no control over, but would waste a bunch of time and energy spinning in circles, before she finally realized that she couldn’t do anything about it anyway. The ‘new me’ now knows that if the door doesn’t open, or re-closes in my case, that that is what is meant to be. I let myself grieve the loss of something I really wanted to do for a brief second, but then let it go. I thank God that He has given me the wisdom, patience and confidence to know and truly believe that when doors do close, other bigger better ones will open in the future. So I am looking forward, in great anticipation and excitement as to what is coming my way in the (hopefully) near future!

My birthday yesterday was fantastic. I got “Happy Birthday” sung to me twice by my daughter—the best gift(s) ever. Dinner was simple and my homemade cheesecake (recipe on yesterdays entry) was deeeee-licious. It was a really nice day.

Am going to the farmer’s market this weekend as I do every weekend. I get such wonderful inspiration for meals in the upcoming week, by what is fresh at the market.Can’t wait to see the bounty that our wonderful farmers bring tomorrow…..

I hope you have a spectacular weekend!

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