Sunday, November 1

The day after.....

Halloween yesterday was just a blast. I had front loaded all my prep for a catering job this morning to Friday so I had all day yesterday clear. Cassie and I started carving pumpkins around 10am. We did five total--one huge one with a headless horseman, 2 medium ones with a ghost face and alien and then two small ones with old-school jack-o-lantern faces. Cassie wanted to do more but she quickly realized how much work really goes into cutting, gutting and carving each one. The biggest one, the headless horseman took almost a full 2 hours to do start to finish, but it looked awesome. They alll looked great.

Our subdivision had a costume parade and cookout in the late afternoon. It was great fun to see all the smaller kids all dressed up. Parents spend a lot of money of kids costumes these days. They certainly weren't wearing dollar store costumes, that's for sure. While we were there at the cookout they handed out awards for the best carved pumpkin and best decorated house. Our house won the Best Decorated, which thrilled me to pieces! We got this cute little painted house on a stake to put in our front yard. They even put spiders on it---which is what our house is decorated with (see earlier blog). I wanted my headless horseman pumpkin to be in the pumpkin competition, but they did the judging the night before and I don't carve til the day-of to avoid premature shriveling before Halloween night.

So Halloween has come and gone and now it is November 1st. It's raining today, so the decorations will stay up one or two more days so they can dry out. Then the house makes it transformation into the Harvest and Thanksgiving theme. Time to go find my turkeys.....

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