Friday, October 9

Life is short....

I just read a story about a Missouri man who died this past weekend while doing yard work. His wife, who is 6 weeks away from delivering their first child, was sitting inside on an ordinary weekend day. She wondered why, after 45 minutes, he hadn't come inside. Her husband was 33 years old and died of an apparent heart attack. From what I've read of this gentleman, he loved his life fierce. He all out loved his job, his family, his home and his friends.

I read stories like that it makes me once again so thankful that God has given me another day. It may be a cliche' phrase, "You're not guaranteed a tomorrow", but it is so true. I'm sure when that man got up Sunday morning he did not say, "Well, this is the day that I die!". And I know his pregnant wife never thought that that was going to be the day that she would become a widow and a soon-to-be single Mom.

The writer of the blog where I saw this story wrapped up their post with this, that I am re-posting because it was just beautifully written and I could never improve on it.
(thanks, Sean Luce of the Luce Performance Group)

"Love what you do and remember life it too short to let it slip by doing something you don't want to do. If you don't love what you do, then take a step back today and think about what you really want to do in life and set a course to achieve that goal. We all have a gift. That gift is the life you have and the opportunity you have to make a difference in people's life. Whatever you do today, do it with everything you have and love it. And remember, it's always up to YOU, to make it a great day!"

Hallelujah and AMEN!

1 comment:

  1. So true... cherish each day and make the most out of it!
