Wednesday, December 10

Faith...big, beautiful faith

I read the paper the other day, about a father and husband in San Diego who lost his entire family Monday when that F-18 crashed into his home. He spoke for the first time yesterday. His first words were “I’ve seen that the pilot is ok….Pray for him that he doesn’t suffer because of this”.

. I don’t know Mr. Dong Yoon and have no idea of his religious leanings or if he has any, but that is a Christian statement if I’ve heard one. Mr. Yoon lost his wife, mother-in-law and his 2 children and his first thought is to offer peace and compassion to the pilot. I hope and pray to God I never, ever have to suffer the loss that Mr. Yoon is going through right now. But if I ever do, I hope and pray that I have the same grace, compassion, love and faith to immediately go where Mr. Yoon did. You are a good, good man, Mr. Yoon. Bless you and may YOU have peace and healing, too.

Here's a cool website for you to check out, too. Celebrities who have been saved share their testimonies......

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