Food Landscapes by Carl Warner
comes out Oct. 1st
On Food Network's
"Challenge" some weeks ago, they had the competitors create big, monster landscapes out of nothing but food. These are known as foodscapes. But no one can do foodscapes like
Carl Warner. He does Foodscapes with a capital "F"! Carl Warner is the master of both the creation but also the photography of said 'scapes and he has his first book of his
'Foodscapes' coming out October 1st. (
hello?!? Christmas list for this year!). He hopes that the book encourages kids--and adults for that matter--to eat healthier.
I find these pictures so fun and soooo
mesmerizing. Remember that everything...
everything in the picture is a food. It's a foodies version of "Where's Waldo" to see how many different foods you can find in each one. Carl has also reminded us all that, yep, it is ok to play with (and photograph) your food!
(These pictures are completely and totally the property of Carl Warner)

a salmon sea and potato rocks....

An Italian-style home make of nothing but veggies and fruits....

This boat of watermelon, peas, olives and asparagus plows
through a stormy radicchio sea....

This is his books cover: the castle is made out of rice
and cheese and the wagon wheels are mushroom caps....

Mountains of bread....

A Winter Wonderland of Cold Cuts
(and lots of bacon!!! yum!!!)
Carl Warner--photography good enough to eat. NICE!